Watch now to discover the NEW way to attract the best clients and build a highly profitable wedding DJ business
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Wedding DJing is broken...
Did you know that the average wedding DJ today is charging just $700 - that's around £500 - an event?
Of course, the state of the industry is not your fault. But the fact is that the way most wedding DJs have been taught to sell and package their services is now decades out of date.

Turns out that what couples want today is radically different - and if you don’t know how to present and sell yourself in today’s market you’ll never be able to charge premium prices and will be forever stuck in "commodity" pricing.
As a committed wedding DJ, you know what your services are worth - and I’m sure you work damn hard to provide a great service. But if you’re not happy with the number of wedding clients you have and the fees you’re charging, this message will be very important to you.
...the wedding DJ is an afterthought...
The truth is that wedding DJing in both the USA and the UK, and in many other markets worldwide too, has hit an all-time low.
Frankly, the average couple doesn't expect much at all from their wedding DJ nowadays. The DJ is usually the last person to be booked... after the budget has been blown on pretty much everything else.

The wedding DJ has been reduced to an after-thought, something that just has to be arranged, even if no-one really gets enthusiastic about the idea any more.
Did you know that at the average wedding, more money is spent on the flowers than on the DJ? Nobody remembers the flowers - yet done right, the party is what everyone will be talking about for months to come.
So why is it that even the very words "wedding DJ" often conjure up an unhelpful cliche with clients? You know, badly set up and old-fashioned equipment, the DJ mumbling into a microphone, playing the same old music...
That's not you, right? You know you can do better than this - and you know you deserve to get more for what you do!
... and the answer isn’t price cutting!
For too many DJs, getting wedding bookings has become a race to the bottom, with established DJs resorting to undercutting each other, and with new entrants charging even less.

With expectations from clients set so low, and DJs locked into a vicious price cutting cycle, that can only ever go one way.

All those client meetings, all that set-up, all that gear purchase and maintenance, music buying and prep, paying your helpers, and the many stressful hours on your feet, and barely covering your costs?
This is just horrible. At today’s rates, you’re little more than a gear rental company.

The most valuable bit, your time and creativity, you’re effectively not getting paid for.
Unless you want to carry on being an expendable commodity, sometimes being paid less than even the cake maker, the florist or the company putting the chairs and tables in the banquet hall, you need to say: Enough is enough.

You need to do things differently – doing things the same way will always get the same result, and you deserve more for all your hard work.

Introducing a man who has the answer...
Jason Jani is one of America's best-paid wedding DJs. He has none of the worries I've just outlined. His basic rate starts at $3500 an event. His average couple spends $6000 with him.

He built his company, SCE Event Group, from a struggling one-man band, to a seven-figure business, staging 2000 high-paying events this year. He has 10 highly trained DJs under his wing.

You probably know of him already, but if you don't, let's put it this way: When the biggest wedding professionals directory in the world, Wedding Wire, throws a party, HE is the DJ they hire.

This guy is the real deal.
A while ago, we at Digital DJ Tips became obsessed with figuring out what separates the very best DJs like Jason and his team from everyone else.

What is it they do differently? How do they find the clients who'll pay premium prices? What do they say to couples to get them to sign those huge cheques?

And how do they deliver the kind of events that mean people actually change their wedding dates to make sure it is them who do the entertainment?

In short, what's the secret?
We wanted to figure out if the secret was something about Jason himself, a one-off, or if it was something that could be applied to any DJ business.

So we flew to the States and we visited Jason. We went to the SCE Event Group and asked questions. I met their DJs.

And what we learned about him, his company and their methods, excited us so much... that we pitched to him the idea of us jointly building a brand-new DJ business training course, to help spread his ideas out of the SCE Group, and to everyday, working DJs in the USA, the UK and worldwide.

...and his amazing new training that teaches it
The result of the partnership between Digital DJ Tips, the world's biggest DJ school, and Jason Jani, is Jason Jani's Complete Wedding DJ - a brand-new online wedding DJ business advice course, coaching programme, private networking community, and practical DJ knowledge base.
It's designed to teach YOU the new, proven way of attracting top paying clients, successfully growing your business, forgetting about the competition (they'll be wanting to come and work for you) - and delivering the type of events that you’ll be proud of.
This is the first time these cutting edge strategies have ever been made available and we’re excited to bring them to you.

These are the exact same strategies Jason uses to train DJs in his own company, and the training has specifically been designed for DJs in the USA and the UK, although the principles work anywhere.

What the training is like
Jason Jani's Complete Wedding DJ is a complete system for success, and the core business course is built - like all of our popular training - in our own custom-made learning portal.

As a student, you'll be spending much of your time there, learning from the video lessons, downloading and completing worksheets and checklists, and implementing the stages as you work on your business, your needs and your situation.

It is self-paced and is yours for life, including all future updates. You take as long as you want, and return when you like. You can’t fall behind. Our students are juggling full time work and other responsibilities. You can invest your effort when you’ve got the time and focus to do so. However, we have designed this so that most students will be able to complete the course in three months.

Also, twice a month for six months, you'll be invited to join Jason for live group coaching and workshops online, where as a group Jason coaches you and trains you, helping you with your questions, and diving even deeper - live - into detail of the course.

And when you're not taking lessons, or in the "virtual classroom", or attending one of Jason's online coaching sessions?

That's when you'll be enjoy Jason's personal support via access to his private Facebook Group, which you get access to for a full six months from signing up. Here's where you get all the extra help you need as you work through the business course material, and where you stay connected with the process.

This is also where you’ll be networking with your fellow students, teaching your peers what you know and helping them see a way forward. And they’ll be doing the same for you.

The first rule of our training always applies: the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. We don’t give you a certificate, but something far more valuable: A proven route out of the race to the bottom that wedding DJing has become.

You’re not paying for a chance to watch some videos or learn some secrets.

Instead, you’re undertaking a journey with hundreds of others, fellow DJs in a hurry to make this difference to their businesses and their lives. Your contributions to the group make the training succeed. They move everyone forward.
Over the next six months and beyond, you'll learn how to:
  • Be seen as better rather than cheaper
  • Sell effectively to high-paying clients
  • Put on remarkable events that get talked about
  • ​Understand what drives couples to want to work with you instead of anyone else
  • Create amazing social media content that gets other people to talk about you
  • Be found when you're needed by the couples you want to work for
  • ​Grow your team while maintaining high standards
  • Partner with other wedding professional to find and serve the best clients
  • ​Level up your branding to appeal to the right types of couples
  • Confidently say "no" to clients you're not a good fit for
  • ​And more…
Who is the training for?
It’s not for clones. And it’s not for people who simply want to make more money. Money is the result of this process, not the reason for it.

This training is for people who want to build world-class wedding DJ businesses because they are passionate about it. Who want to do work that truly matters for couples who care - couples are prepared to pay the best rates for such work.

It’s for people who know their best is yet to come and who are ready to do the necessary work to show the world what they're capable of.
Are you ready to level-up your wedding DJ business?
How it works
This training is all online, meaning anyone, anywhere in the world can participate. Jason is the chief tutor, and you’ll be coached directly by him throughout. The training comprises:
  • The complete business advice video course - 52 lessons, with worksheets, handouts, blueprints etc.
  • Six live hour-long workshops with Jason
  • Six live hour-long group coaching sessions with Jason
  • ​A six-month invite to Jason's private wedding DJ group & DJ knowledge base
The heart of the training is the business advice course. It contains everything you need to know about the new mindset and methods you will be implementing to make this work. It is yours for life including all future updates, meaning you have as long as you want to complete it, and you can return to it as often as you need to.

1. The online course gives you ALL the info you need to implement this method in YOUR business

The self-paced business advice course is a complete, step-by-step blueprint to getting more wedding clients at higher prices, allowing you to grow your business exponentially. It contains the exact formula Jason has used to grow a business of 10 DJs at seven-figure turnover. Spread across five modules and 52 lessons, it contains:

Module 1: Know who the f____ you are

No matter where you are on your journey, the first module will give you a clear understanding of your place in the market and a personal vision for growth. It contains planning tools to help you plot your path to where you want to go, no matter what type of DJ you are now, with specific advice for new DJs, DJs stuck in a rut, DJ business owners struggling to hold on to talent, DJs switching from club DJing, and DJs wanting to break out from an unfulfilling role in a multi-op.

Module 2: Building a team the modern way

Don’t let the word "team" scare you - all DJs need help, not least because you should never perform weddings alone. Finding the right help doesn’t need to be hard, and can be the start of achieving your biggest dreams. From who to hire, when, and on what type of contract, to having the right systems in place to make people want to stick with you, this module will show you that going alone need never be an option, and that the team you assemble is your greatest asset.

Module 3: Attracting the highest paid clients

Help with all things marketing. Knowing where to spend money and how to get social media right, how to identify your perfect clients and target them with your message, and the right way to brand and present your business to the world is, put simply, the biggest opportunity for you to grow your business. But getting this wrong is not an option, and too many DJs do get this wrong! We’ll make sure that’s not you.

Module 4: Providing a remarkable client journey

You absolutely need to ensure your couples have the best time with your company, are happy to pay well for your services - and will tell anyone who’ll listen how you are the only wedding DJ they should ever consider.  Jason details his proprietary and never-before-shared 10-step sales process, and talks you through all the other client meetings necessary to provide the kind of personalised, boutique service that you can confidently charge those top rates for.

Module 5: How to smash events

All the essential information you need on how to deliver amazing events the modern way. It explains the importance of separating the roles of DJ and event host, how to ensure that the team you take with you over-delivers for your client in all areas, and how to think proactively and reactively as the event progresses. In other words, to be so good that the events themselves generate a constant stream of high-quality referrals for your business.

2. You get support, networking and accountability as a member of Jason's private wedding group
One thing we've learned teaching 22,000 students over the past decade here at Digital DJ Tips is that information is never enough, which is why a crucial aspect of the training is your six months of unlimited access to Jason's private student community, only for students of this course.

Here’s how it works. The private wedding DJ group, for students only (you'll be invited upon joining), runs inside an invite-only Facebook Group, for easy access worldwide. It's where Jason, the other tutors, and all students, get to network, share successes, conquer challenges, gather new insights and be held accountable as a group.

Every DJ faces their own issues and we want to get your problems solved.
We also have a "no losers" rule – this group is only for those who are serious about growing their business!

3. You're invited to attend 12 hours of live group coaching & workshops with Jason personally
Every month for six months, you'll be invited to join Jason for two one-hour sessions online. 
Firstly, the monthly live coaching session is where you and your fellow students get to ask Jason your questions directly, get your problems solved, and get instant help with anything holding you back. It's conducted as a private Facebook Live inside the group, at a time that best suits the student group as a whole.

Students find these sessions particularly useful because not only can they get help with what they're stuck on, but often other students ask questions that they haven't even thought of yet - it's like a "group huddle" to sort out the biggest issues of the month, and will achieve many breakthroughs for you in your business. 
Secondly, the live monthly workshop is a formal "online classroom" session from Jason, that is designed to help you to implement a particular lesson from the business course. Here, Jason gets "granular", helping you master one of the many methods, blueprints and processes, in incredible detail. Again, you get to ask questions at any stage of the process you’re unclear about.

(The kind of topics it dives into greater detail on are things like how to crush Instagram posts, how to produce great video content, how conquer a tricky sales process step, latest best practices in SEO, or business issues such as retaining talent.)

Proprietary materials and supporting information are shared with you via the webinar platform we use for these.

All of the coaching sessions and workshops are recorded so you can still attend even if you choose to watch the replay instead.
4. You get access to Jason's unique knowledge base - practical tips from the best in the business!
The Wedding DJ Knowledge Base is your go-to place for practical, hands-on advice on all the "other" aspects of being a great wedding DJ. The truth is that this stuff alone will never make you a successful wedding DJ - but every successful wedding DJ will benefit from knowing this stuff!

Building week by week with fresh practical video training from Jason, it covers everything from setting up lights to dealing with requests, using the microphone to what type of transport to go for, how to buy speakers to how to mix tracks, DJing with video to keeping your assistant busy.

Jason even takes you start-to-finish through real weddings, so you can follow exactly what he and his team do at every stage of the event.
This part of the training builds into an invaluable video reference guide to all the "givens" that you have to get right to operate at the level where you can charge top fees and deliver world-class events.
Are you ready to level-up your wedding DJ business?
Imagine the difference this could make to YOUR wedding DJing business...
Taken together, the course, workshops, coaching, community and knowledge base have been designed to ensure you get from where you are today to having the kind of DJ business you know you’re capable of.

Jason Jani's Complete Wedding DJ had to happen, and we're incredibly proud to have partnered with Jason to bring it to you. 

This whole thing isn't about small tweaks to your sales process, or hacks for your Facebook Page, or crafty ways of asking for a bit more money, or anything else that doesn't address the fundamental issues that are currently holding down the wedding DJ market.

Instead, it is nothing less than a whole new blueprint for success, one that's already been proven. It's the total solution to help you attract the new breed of clients who frankly want nothing to do with the old ways.

Let's talk about the difference it could make to you personally, and to your business...

Imagine getting two extra gigs a month - would that make a difference? Now imagine getting paid a lot more for the exact same gigs. 

Now imagine getting four extra gigs each month at the same higher rate, month on month - would that make a substantial difference to your business?”

If this training could just deliver this for you, just think how much extra money you will make next year.

Consider how much this training would be worth to you personally. Of course only you know that, but we only want serious DJs. We’re only interested in DJs who are committed to implementing the training, benefiting from Jason’s coaching and getting the results.

People have offered Jason thousands for coaching, but he’s never done it until now. They know that if they could apply just a little of what Jason could share with them to their own businesses, they'd earn that money back many times over. Here, Jason is offering EVERYTHING.

Imagine getting life coaching advice from Tony Robbins, investment advice from Warren Buffett, or branding advice from Richard Branson. If you’re looking for advice on smashing your wedding DJ business, Jason Jani is your man!
So let’s add up what you get:
The complete business course, yours for life, and worth $1997

Your six live monthly Q&A coaching sessions, worth $1497

The six monthly live workshops with Jason, worth $1497

You access to the exclusive networking community, worth $597

The knowledge base, that builds into an invaluable resource worth at least $997
That’s $6,585-worth of training!
But that’s not what you’re going to pay when you sign up for this training today...
>> You can join "Jason Jani's Complete Wedding DJ" for a single, one-off payment of just $1997, or six easy payments of only $397.
Act now - registration extended for only...
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Choose The Payment Plan That's Best For You
Single Payment
(just one payment, save $385)
(Approx £1,560 / €1,850*)
Payment Plan
(per month for 6 months)
(Approx £310 / €370 per payment*)
Your guarantee...
Let’s be honest, we all know that if we keep doing things the same way, we’re going to get the same results. 

If you’ve read this far, you’re serious about growing your income. This is your chance to do it - to change your business for the better with expert help from a proven system.

So there’s only two outcomes here.

One, you take the training and get results - fantastic. 

Or the only other outcome is you take the training, but don’t feel the training is going to work for you for whatever reason - in which case you have an industry-beating 90-day period in which to ask for your money back in full

So there’s no risk here - Jason and myself are the ones taking the risk! 

In fact, the only risk is that you miss out and don’t act now. I must warn you there are limited spaces. Hopefully that stands to reason, as there’s only one of Jason and only so many people he can coach. 

And as this is taking so much of Jason’s personal time, there’s no guarantee he’ll ever be in a position to run this training again. 

So you need to act right now. Click the button below to join now - we look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Join today while places are still available
This training comes with a cast-iron, no questions, 90-day money-back guarantee, which gives you more than enough time to implement the training and start seeing results or get your money back - the risk is all ours. If at any time in your first 90 days of ownership you decide it's not for you (for absolutely any reason), just tell us and we'll refund you with a smile. Nobody else offers a guarantee like this.
Here's what students from our recent FREE wedding DJ workshop had to say about Jason's training...
Join today while places are still available
Our Guarantee
This training comes with a cast-iron, no questions, 90-day money-back guarantee, which gives you more than enough time to implement the training and start seeing results or get your money back - the risk is all ours. If at any time in your first 90 days of ownership you decide it's not for you (for absolutely any reason), just tell us and we'll refund you with a smile. Nobody else offers a guarantee like this.
Did you know that today, 79% of internet users in the United States are on Facebook?

How about that right now, 6 out of 10 Americans stay updated on news through social media, while 35% have used it to look for or research a job.

It’s no secret that the newsfeed isn’t just for spying on distant relatives and estranged high school friends anymore (okay that’s sort of creepy, but you get my point).

Love it or hate it, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and the like have become an integral part of nearly all of our lives.

In other words, social media isn’t going anywhere.

And considering one of THE staples of marketing is putting the right message in front of the right audience at the right time, it shouldn’t be any surprise that social media marketing isn’t going anywhere either.

But what most Marketers don’t realize is that social media marketing in 2018 isn’t just a place to…

…post updates about your brand…

…post links that drive leads back to your site…

…post fun and engaging content…

Social media is a proving ground for your entire marketing strategy.

This is a place where you can test everything from your brand’s overall voice, content strategy, and even your product offerings.

This is a place where you can determine what your audience likes and what your audience dislikes through organic efforts…


So… how exactly do you do that?

You’ll learn exactly how to do that in this brand new workshop with DigitalMarketer’s Director of Content, Garrett Homes.



* Conversions from US Dollars to other currencies are as a guideline only. These amounts could be slightly less or more depending on the currency exchange rate and charges from your bank / credit card company. Got questions? Click the pink chat box icon to talk to our awesome support team or email us at - © Digital DJ Tips 2021. Digital DJ Holdings Ltd, Suite 3.05, World Trade Center, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA. Tel: +44 808 164 0996. All sales are subject to our Privacy Policy / Terms of Business